Acute hearing loss, tinnitus & vertigo
Acute hearing loss is the sudden drop of the hearing ability of the inner ear, without external reasons like a middle ear infection or an acoustic trauma. The individual concerned usually notices a sudden feeling of pressure on one ear, combined with a reduced hearing, that cannot be improved by pressure compensation. Noises can sound blurred and most often this phenomenon is accompanied by a whistling and permanent ringing in the ear, a tinnitus. Also rotary vertigo or a feeling of insecurity may occur.
The therapy of choice is an infusion therapy with blood flow stimulating, rheological medicine on the one hand, on the other is cortisone in a descending dosage scheme. Infusion therapies a only done outpatient, nowadays. In mild cases a pill therapy may be a good start. Eventually, a hearing test control should be done to change to an infusion therapy, if the other does not work.
As a further therapy option we offer the intra-tympanic corticosteroid therapy. Here, the medicine, liquid cortisone, is directly inserted into the tympanic cavity by a little cut through the eardrum. The eardrum cut is minimally-invasive and is done painless under local anesthesia. The intra-tympanic corticosteroid therapy is currently relatively rare in Germany but is the therapy of choice in many American centers. (Textwiederholung)